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Apache Kafka® service pack

We have extensive experience in using Kafka®. Choose one of our tailor-made consultancy packages for you.

Kafka pack

Design & Architecture

We develop a tailor-made PoC, starting from your specific needs, evaluating the application of Apache Kafka technology on a case-by-case basis.

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Kafka pack

Configuration & Infrastructure

We provide you with a review of the operational implementation of Apache Kafka to identify and resolve configuration and infrastructure issues.

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Kafka pack

Project Support

We bring our experience in distributed application technologies directly to the heart of your development project.

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Kafka pack


We support you in the complete security of Apache Kafka clusters through an authentication and authorization system (Kerberos) and data encryption (SSL encryption).

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Kafka pack

Review & Managed Platform Kickoff

We provide you with a review of Kafka, Cassandra and Spark, planning the migration of your application to Zencluster managed platform.

Pack details

Customized pack

Tailored pack

Contact us and let’s talk about the definition of a tailor-made project that can meet your specific needs.

Contact us

Guided by experts

Ours is expert advice on designing Kafka topics, production message brokers and more. Looking to build a custom project or have a specific need? Simply fill out the form and let our experts guide you.

Methodical approach

We will work closely with you to assist you at every stage of your application's lifecycle. We have deep experience in all aspects of Kafka implementations and can put it to work for your specific needs.

Develop safely,
with Kafka®

Our review will identify issues such as suboptimal topic configuration, improper log management, security vulnerabilities, network infrastructure issues, and more.



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Apache Kafka® is the leading technology in streaming and data queue management for large-scale and always active applications.

Kafka takes message streams (from producer applications), reliably stores them on a cluster (via broker) and allows these streams to be received by applications (consumers) that process the messages.

Since it was donated to the Apache Foundation by LinkedIn in 2011, Kafka has garnered a lot of interest and is widely used by technology leaders such as Netflix, Twitter, Spotify and Uber. Under the Apache Foundation, Kafka has grown from an open, strong and vibrant community with many contributions to its development, offering compatibility with a wide range of complementary technologies.

These features allow Kafka® to be used for various application purposes:

As a buffering mechanism during processing operations (allowing you to manage the difference between the speed of incoming messages and the speed of applications processing).

As a guarantee of effective delivery of messages published by producers, even if consumers are inactive at the time of publication.

To make the applications that produce messages independent from those that consume them, allowing you to create flexible and easily reconfigurable architectures with many producers and many consumers.

To make an infrastructure available for the analysis and processing of data flows (using Kafka Streams).

High productivity and high availability

Similar to Cassandra, Apache Kafka achieves high throughput and high availability using a distributed cluster of servers.

High scalability and high reliability

In addition to being highly scalable, Kafka is highly reliable thanks to its integrated replicas.

Zero downtime

Load balancing and data replication allow Apache Kafka to schedule maintenance of individual nodes to manage faults without downtime.


Apache Kafka easily integrates with other stream analysis and processing systems such as Spark Streaming.


Apache Kafka enjoys the support of a large Open Source community and has a rich ecosystem, including connectors.

Where to use Apache Kafka®?

Kafka® allows you to build streaming data processing pipelines.

You can use Kafka to generate aggregation, process messaging, perform audits and much more. If data analysis is a big problem, real-time analysis is even bigger and that’s where Kafka makes the difference.

Some use of Apache Kafka:

  • Data stream processing
  • Website activity monitoring
  • Logs aggregation
  • Collecting and monitoring metrics
  • Network monitoring
  • Internet of Things
  • Advertising
  • Fraud detection
Apache Cassandra




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Apache Kafka




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Apache Spark




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